
Termite Killer Spray for Home, Wood, Kitchen

100% effective Termite Repellent made from Natural ingredient. It gives result with in 24 Hours. Spray the infected wooden furniture, the doors, the cupboards and the cracks of the wood and the tunnels that you see in the tunnels and the walls. Repeat the continuous spray in the infected areas for 3 days.

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Product Description

Things you need to know:

Pack Size: Anti Termite Spray is available in a 200 ml pack.


The Composition 

Neem- 5% Tulsi- 5% Essential oil


Safety Information:

Keep it in a cool place. Avoid direct contact with sunlight. Close the fan while spraying. Avoid contact with eyes, cuts and wounds. Stay away from children.


Directions of Use:

  1. Spray the infected wooden furniture, the doors, the closet and the cracks in the trails and mud trails that you see on the walls and the intervals.
  2. Spray the infected wooden furniture, the doors, the cupboards and the cracks of the wood and the tunnels that you see in the tunnels and the walls. Repeat the continuous spray in the infected areas for 3 days.
  3. This will eliminate the Termites and will not allow the eggs to be caught.